Thursday, March 12, 2009

Task 3: Lesson Plan

Health Problems and Remedies

Level: Form 2 – Intermediate/Advance

Time: 60 minutes

Aims: To find specific information on a Website, to practice preparing slides for presentation using the Microsoft Powerpoint and to practice vocabulary associated with health problems and its remedies.

Technical Requirements:

A group of three (3) students per computer with an Internet connection, a Web Browser and Microsoft Office – Powerpoint.



  1. Locate websites about health problems with home remedies solution
  2. Prepare a comprehensible instructions and guidelines for the students before hands-on the activity
  3. Prepare a worksheet using word processor based on the information from the websites found


  1. Show a picture of a sneezing man and ask the students what they think is happening to the man. Tell the students to describe the man in the picture using complete sentences – eg. The man has a flu or the man is sick and he is sneezing.
  2. Ask the students what the man in the picture should do to cure his sickness and ask them what are home remedies that they know then explain the meaning of home remedies.
  3. Give out each group a worksheet prepared. Ask them to read the instructions given carefully. Then, tell the students that the answers are available online in the website provided.
  4. During the activity the teacher is supposed to go around and facilitate the students if there is any question regarding the task carried out. Then, the answers are gathered and discussed.
  5. Ask the students to open the Web Browser and search for an image of a sick person. The picture can be about anything as long as it indicates a sick person and save the picture into My Documents.
  6. Then, open a new Powerpoint document and explain to the students on how to insert the picture saved earlier. Ask the students to work in groups in preparing a new slide of Powerpoint by including the hints or clues of what health problem that they want others to guess. They may also include the home remedies for the health problem issued.
  7. The students are to provide the slide creatively with colourful backgrounds, layouts and animation schemes to make it more interesting.

Follow up: The slides are to be saved in a CD and to be submitted in the following class.

p.s. I have email you the worksheet for the first activity (table)

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

In-class task (Podcast)

Let's try out something new, please click HERE!

It's a new thing that I learn in CALL class today. It is fun and interesting and yes, when you hear Syamer's monotonous voice, lagi fun and interesting!

Thanks Syamer for lending me your podcast!

"merdu" suara kau! :D